Learn to Meditate


Want to Meditate But Think You Can’t?

Vedic meditation is made for you — it’s a restorative practice that helps relax your mind and body, release stress, and recharge your being. 

Curious? Amazed? Skeptical? (We feel you, cynic!) Keep reading, and you’ll see how after just four sessions, you’ll become a self-sufficient meditator.


 Step 1:

Attend a Free, No-Obligation Intro Session (via Zoom or in person)

Get the scoop on how to do more and stress less with meditation. You’ll learn about benefits and research, how Vedic meditation differs from other kinds of meditation, including mindfulness and apps, and why it’s perfect for people with busy lives. Questions are welcome!


Step 2:

Take the Vedic meditation course

Dig the intro session? Then take the course over four consecutive days to learn how to be an expert meditator. Each day is 60-90 minutes.


Day 1:

You receive a personal mantra and give it a whirl. This is a private, in-person, one-on-one session.

Day 2:

We take a deeper dive into the mechanics of how to meditate, with tips to maximize results.

(Small group, via Zoom or in-person)

Day 3:

Learn more about how and why Vedic meditation is the ultimate stress-releasing tool. 

(Small group, via Zoom or in-person)

Day 4:

Learn how to sustain your practice and keep the flow going in and out of meditation.

(Small group, via Zoom or in-person)


Step 3:

Enjoy ongoing support

Your one-time course payment goes far — to infinity and beyond! (Consciousness does work that way, but more specifically, we’re here for you, and our Vedic meditation colleagues worldwide welcome you as well.)



You are welcome to attend an intro session or the three follow-up days of the course at any time to deepen your practice. 


Ongoing Support & Guidance:

Once you’ve completed a course with one of us, we’re forever at your service. You can reach out via email at any time with questions about your practice. 


Free Group Meditation:

Join us for an adventure in consciousness every Sunday via Zoom, and start your week off in bliss mode.
(Scroll down for more info.)


Join Us for Adventures in Consciousness:
Wednesday Group Meditation, 5:00 - 6:00 pm PST (Free!)

Join us for a personal power hour on Zoom
featuring inspiration for your week & a group meditation.

Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 868 5713 2610

Passcode: 108

One tap mobile:

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Dial by your location

+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
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+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kdYMz6dP0t


Your Investment

We’re dedicated to bringing this life-changing practice to as many people as possible. 

All are welcome. We offer a sliding scale so you can self-select the level that feels best to you. Your investment helps foster a personal commitment to the practice, and it’s designed to be an equitable exchange of value (the teaching) for value (your investment). 

Choose the plan that best suits your current circumstances and ability to pay. 

  • Discounted Rate: $500 (full-time students, seniors)

  • Standard Rate: $800

  • Pay-it-Forward Rate: $1,008 (supports scholarships for others)

  • 20 hours of volunteer service (Please present letter from qualified 501(c) organization)

An additional 20% discount is available for those living in the same household (not just family members; you can be roommates) if you take the course within three months of each other. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. Payment plans, as well as scholarships, are available.


Private & Corporate Courses

Private courses are available for companies, groups or families, and individuals. 

  • Private, personal instruction: If you prefer to learn one-on-one or with your family or pod, we’re happy to accommodate you. 

  • Workplace instruction: Want more results + less stress in your workplace? Meditation can decrease absenteeism, help your team become more productive, and increase your bottom line. 

Courses for groups can be arranged to take place where and when it’s most convenient for your team. Get in touch to discuss.